College/university with S
- South Carolina
- South Carolina University
- San Diego State
- Smith
- Seton Hall
- South Dakota State
- South Carolina State
- Seattle University
- Sacramento
- Swarthmore
- Sheffield
- Sacramento State
- southern university
- San Diego
- Reklama
- Samford
- Seattle
- San Diego University
- San Diego State University
- Southwestern
- Stockton
- Southern Methodist
- Spelman
- South Dakota University
- Stanford university
- Smith College
- San Jose State
- Sydney University
- San Francisco State
- South Dakota
- Stetson
- Sonoma State
- San Francisco University
- Salem University
- Seneca College
- South Florida
- sac state
- Southampton university
- sacred heart
- Salford
- Southern
- san jose state university
- San Francisco
- Shippensburg
- Swathmore
- St Andrews
- Sacramento university
- Surrey
- Sam Houston
- Sydney Uni
- suffolk
- Southern Illinois University
- Spellman
- Southampton uni
- Sanford
- Sorbonne
- Southern Methodist University
- Reklama
- Slippery Rock
- Southwestern University
- Skidmore
- Sheridan
- Southern Illinois
- Standford University
- springfield
- Stafford
- Suffolk University
- southern california
- sarah lawrence
- South Florida University
- Santa Barbara
- salem
- Salamanca
- Savannah State
- Seoul University
- Santa Clara University
- Stevenson
- Salem College
- Santa Cruz
- Seton Hall University
- Scripps
- Santa Monica College
- Sheridan College
- Stony Brook
- swansea
- stockholm
- swansea uni
- Stratford
- sunderland
- Southern Miss
- stockton university
- Susquehanna
- South Hampton university
- South Dakota State University
Slová v zozname College/university with S pochádzajú od hráčov slovnej hry Meno, Mesto, Zviera, Vec.