canadian stereotypes with V
- Very cold
- very friendly
- vain
- Virgins
- valiant
- Very apologetic
- very good at hockey
- victorious
- Virtuous
- Very sweet
- Viking
- very loud
- Vapid
- voice
- Vaping
- Reklama
- Vests
- Vocal
- Vile
- Vulnerable
- very dumb
- Vines
- Vegetarian
- Vague
- Vast
- Vanilla
- Veil
- Vital
- Vents
- voting
- Very hot
- Very ugly
- Very rude
- vikings
- VERY nice
Slová v zozname canadian stereotypes with V pochádzajú od hráčov slovnej hry Meno, Mesto, Zviera, Vec.