League of Legends en T
- Teemo
- Taric
- Tristana
- Talon
- Tryndamere
- Taliyah
- Thresh
- Trundle
- tahm kench
- Twitch
- Tresh
- Twisted Fate
- Tour
- tham kench
- Tourelle
- Reklama
- tiamat
- Taliah
- Tibbers
- Targon
- Trinité
- talya
- top
- Tristanna
- Tarik
- talyah
- tetris
- tam kench
- trindamere
- Trynda
- tom
- Toplane
- Tryndamer
- trydamere
- Tintin
- Tower
- Tank
- tabi ninja
- Top lane
- talyiah
- Toto
- temo
- Titan
- Tome d'amplification
- Tarick
- Tarzan
- Tallyah
- talliah
- tortue
- Tariq
- tam kech
- trindamer
- Tours
- Tibers
- tir
- Troll
- Trezeguet
- Teleportation
- teemo le fdp
- Talliyah
- Talhia
- trou
- Tamh Kench
- Theo
- Thornmail
- table
- tutu
- taliya
- toi
Slová v zozname League of Legends en T pochádzajú od hráčov slovnej hry Meno, Mesto, Zviera, Vec.