TV/films/series/boek met I
- Indiana Jones
- Interstellar
- Inception
- Ice age
- i am legend
- Inside out
- I love you
- iron man
- Into the wild
- in de gloria
- into the woods
- interception
- I robot
- Incredibles
- Inazuma eleven
- Reklama
- Irobot
- Iedereen beroemd
- icarly
- Iboy
- I can see your voice
- I see you
- insatiable
- Inglorious Bastards
- Iris
- Idols
- iep
- in the end
- Incendiary
- it ends with us
- I spy
- Insurgent
- In the dark
- Imagine
- Island
Slová v zozname TV/films/series/boek met I pochádzajú od hráčov slovnej hry Meno, Mesto, Zviera, Vec.